Sunday, September 30, 2007

Recent Reading!

I recently found Laini Taylor's first book, "Faeries of Dreamdark: Blackbringer" at my local library much to my delight. Discovering her blog through Sunday Scribblings is what led to me finding out about her first book and reading the first chapter online. Laini is a talented artist and author.

Faeries of Dreamdark
is the tale of Magpie Windwitch. Magpie is a faery whose noble efforts help to rid the world of devils and worse in a time when most of fairy civilization has fallen to frivolity. Through her journey she unearths dark secrets hidden since the beginning of the creation of the earth by it's creators and faces the resulting chaos head on.

I give this book two thumbs up! ;)


jayfish said...

looks like an old dr. seuss book under there.

Dalissa 365 said...

Yes, my youngest daughter is heavy into Dr. Seuss and although I love him dearly it was time to go to the library because after reading "Fox in Soxs", "The Sneetches and Other Stories", etc. for the past 16 years, it was time to search out some of the Seuss books we don't own.