Sunday, September 16, 2007

Self Portrait Before Date...

Jeff and I will have been together for 19 years in a week or so. We've been married for 13 of those years. We went out this weekend...


jayfish said...

that's wonderful...congratulations!

Colleen said...

Date? What is this "date" of which you speak? Sigh...!

Colleen said...

Oh, and congrats on hanging together. To quote Tom Petty, "Love is long, long road." xoxo

Sandie said...

You look like a confused little girl in this shot. I think it is because of being scrunched into the corner. I hope the next 19 are smooth sailing. In just a few weeks Dirk and I will be celebrating our 24th yr of marriage. We lived together about a yr before that.

Ampersand said...

dude, were you a child bride? You look so young.


Mike's Travels said...

Lovely reflective shot. Congratulations!

Dalissa 365 said...

Well, I wasn't a child bride because I was with him for 6 years before we got married. We met when I was 19, if that helps. Don't do the math! ;)

SUSAN said...

Very intriguing shot. I hope the date was encouraging for you!


Unknown said...

Oh my.... I don't know what to say beyond good photo composition. I think self portraits are your niche.

Susanne Barrett said...

Your self-potraits are so stunning. And revealing.

You are the MASTER!

Ampersand said...

Well, you could have met him when you were six, and married at twelve. :-) I think that is legal in some states. Heh.

And besides, you're quite young from where I sit.

Everyone is right, your self-portraits are amazing.

Dalissa 365 said...

Gee, thanks everyone... now I am blushing. :)

Amp, you make me smile. You're pretty young yourself, but of course, older than me... :P which is all that matters.

Sandy said...

You look pretty. As everyone else has said....great self portrait.