Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 28: New Haircut

So, this is my new haircut... very similar to my last haircut. I like it, but I wish my hair was thicker. Thin, baby fine hair is the bane of my existence. The back is much shorter this time around and I do like that. Maybe I'll take a better pic a different day.


LauraLiz said...

And my thick, unmanageable hair is the bane of my existence!! I can only remember being happy after a haircut one time.

Nutrition Tailor said...

Fun haircut--and it works well with your hair! I'm in that "baby fine hair" camp (though I have lots of it). To grow hair long requires a thicker texture than I've got--I finally gave up and went short. Life's too short to fight some of these battles...sigh...

Unknown said...

So totally understand about baby fine hair! Me too. I'm trying to grow mine out and not liking my success rate so far. Love the fun style of this Dalissa!

nikki said...

I love it! You look beautiful.