Thursday, February 8, 2007

And Away We Go...

I actually took Eli to drive for the first time yesterday but I forgot my camera so you get the SECOND drive photos.

Eli driving the Suburban...

Mom gripping hand grip with right hand and snapping photo with left.

E: "Why do you always look so nervous when I drive?"

M: (surprised) "This is me trying my best to not look nervous."

Today I actually screamed I think because he almost sideswiped a dump truck. I let him drive through the side streets of my favorite town and it was much harder to remain calm as opposed to when we drove through the park yesterday. Town has narrow streets in some parts and parking on both sides of the road in other parts offering all sorts of challenges for the new driver. He is actually doing a great job and is much more cautious than I expected.


Sandie said...

I wish I had thought to document that with either of the girls :) You and Katrina are both going to love looking at and remembering this time. Driving is the only I have found I CANNOT teach. Dirk and my mom taught botht he girls and Dirk's dad has already been teaching Nathan 'out in the country' on private land even though he is only 14. That boy was born to drive :)

Jess said...

Lol, I love your expression! Your eyes are very pretty, btw. And Eli looked swallowed by that car! I drove through the same town as a new driver, and got several tickets for parking violations - I missed those signs that say you can only park on such and such days at certain hours, ptth.

Colleen said...

Omigosh, this control freak had better not be the one to teach driving or my boys will be (even more) scarred for life! LOL

LauraLiz said...

Been there; done that! I remember thinking how silly it was to dread teaching driving. My kids were sensible, safety conscious kids with a desire to do the right thing. Oh please!! Getting in that car and giving control over to a kid who--regardless of common sense and safety consciousness--had never driving a car.....panic! Absolute terror. No wheel in my hand, no brake pedal under my foot. I was laughing out of the other side of my mouth for sure!!

You're a great mom. I'd never have let go of whatever I was gripping long enough to take a photo!! :-)

Unknown said...

I admire your courage. I made Jon take the kids for their very first trials and then I helped out once they go the hang of it. I will warn you of one thing - they start out cautious. It's once they feel confident (about a year later) that they seem to take more risks.

You look great.

SUSAN said...

Oh man, I know that look!! hehe
