Thursday, February 15, 2007

His and Hers... Fluevogs

Yeah, this probably won't be the last photo I take of my shoes. And, you got to see a different pair of Jeff's Fluevogs in the photo he posted last night. This photo doesn't do justice for the color of the shoes but I like it in b/w just the same.


Jess said...

Are they empty shoes or are there feet in them? They look cute, like they're cuddling ;)

Colleen said...

Cool shot! I don't think it's fair for one person to be as creative as you are, Dali. You are hereby required to grant me one-tenth of your creativity; that'll still leave with plenty for yourself. :-D

SUSAN said...

I am surprised this is our first shot of fluevogs! ;-)

Happy photo!


Unknown said...

So cute!

Sandy said...

Well you know I love this one. :-D I miss seeing the color but have to admit I love the look of the b&w. If I had the color I'd only be focusing on the shoes and miss the great composition.

Sandie said...

There is such a sweetness about this photo and I agree with Sandy that in b&w we see the beautiful composition and the tenderness, not the shoes.