Monday, February 12, 2007

Mother's Eye View...

I used to try to draw at least one quick sketch of each of my kids while they were sleeping after nursing. I don't know if I ever did one of Evie. So, here is a photographic one years after being weaned.

And, here are two photos for pure fun. I like experimenting with the shadows and shapes and sometimes with secondary meaning.


SUSAN said...

ahhh, the photo of Evie is PRECIOUS!

Those feet dancing and tickling made me laugh! You have such a creative mind, Dalissa!


Unknown said...

Dalissa! I have a photo op for feet in mind for the up-coming weekend. isn't it funny how we are all looking at subjects and thinking about how to take pics of them? I love the second foot shot. So intimate. :)

Ampersand said...

I love seeing your creativity at work. You are amazing!!!

Sandie said...

These are incredable! Really wonderfaul shots!

LauraLiz said...

Let me just say that I think the feet shots are terrific.

But that little angel sleeping is something else! What an absolutely beautiful mouth she has. That precious face just squeezes the heart. :-)

Jess said...

Last night I pulled a muscle in the arch of my foot, which I do from time to time due to my high arches, and it made me think of taking pictures of my feet. And here I get on the computer today and that's what you've done - funny!

I was going to go for shots of my feet on the floor, but this is far more creative, I like it :)

my15minutes said...

All three, really great. And I agree...Eve does look like the Brancusi sculpture!

Dalissa 365 said...

Alas... I will be waiting to see everyone's foot shots. With 365 shooting opportunities, we are bound to duplicate subject matter regularly. Just the other day, I shot a photo of my bed with it's ruffled up blankets and pillows and before I posted it, there was Laura with almost the same shot... even the same gorgeous sunlight.