Saturday, January 13, 2007

Day 15- A Typical Friday Night

Just about every Friday night we have at least two extra teens sleeping over our house. And, every Friday night for the past 15 years at least we have had pizza night. So, if you come into our kitchen anytime between the hours of 10 pm and 2 am, you will sometimes find various teens pigging out on leftover pizza from earlier in the night. Tonight was no exception. Here is Eli (middle) with two of his friends.

Tonight's extra kid tally is 3.


Ampersand said...

Great snapshot of your life! I love how your dog is looking up and your son's friend.

Unknown said...

Eli! It's so weird to see a photo of him now when I remember him as a little boy. This is a fabulous shot. Dalissa, you raised unconventional kids to go with your own unconventional artisitic temperament. Love this look at your life.


Sandie said...

This is a neat shot! I love the way the boys' are expressing themselves through their style.

Dancingirl said...

Interesting perspective! What did you do, lie on the floor to get the shot? I like it!

Dalissa 365 said...

Yes, I laid on the floor to shoot... that's one thing that's a throw back to college. I had a couple photography classes back then. For one project I think we were supposed to shoot objects in a way without them being able to be easily recognized and I think that's when I laid down to shoot for the first time. It also helps that I've looked at 15 years of wedding photography shots where Jeff has done the same thing to get just the right shot. I am unsure if I'd have thought to apply the principle to people if I hadn't viewed so many different shots at so many different angles over the years.

Katrina said...

Lying on the floor -- another idea I'd never thought of. I should be writing these down. :)

Jess said...

I love how Zack is waiting for scraps :)

And I agree, I should take notes too! I must try shots from the floor soon, I like the perspective.

LauraLiz said...

My first response was smiling at the dog watching diligently for dropped pizza!

We're rubbing off on we left the zoo today, Tony said "Laura wait!", dropped his packpack, and as I tried to figure out what the emergency was, he laid down on the sidewalk to take a photo of the sky. It cracks me up to think of all of us taking drive-by photos and laying on the ground/floor. I'm hoping no one gets hurt!! :-)