Saturday, January 20, 2007

Day 23- Susana's Birthday Party...

I almost twisted my ankle again to get pinata shots. I had pulled a bench out to stand on to get an overhead shot and ended up falling off the bench, twisting my ankle, bruising my wrist, and dropping Jeff's camera. Luckily, everything is OK and I only have a bruise. This is the time of year that I have in the past twisted my knee or twisted my strained my ankle so I am thankful that my ankle feels fine.

The story of the pinata is a sour one as most pinata stories go. Let's just say my friend's child got a fist in his stomach and as usual with pinata's children cried over not getting any candy... one of them being the giver of the punch. Phew! I was glad this wasn't my party to host. It was hosted by one of my prayer partners. She handled it well.

This is her daugher, Susana... you'd think she was one of mine with her dark eyes and skin. I like this picture even though I accidentally focused on the candles instead of her.


Nikki said...

I'm glad you're okay Dalissa! The suffering you go through for art. :-) I love the photo of the birthday girl. It is a great effect with the focus on the candles.

Carol Ann Weaver said...

OUCH! I am so glad you didn't hurt anything too bad.

my15minutes said...

I love the birthday candles and your focus on them! Yay for accidents (if it means you get the shot!)

Pinatas have always spelled s-o-r-r-y-i-d-e-a to me! Sticks, greed, children, and sugar: what a bad combination!

Sandie said...

I thinking focusing on the candles was a great stroke of luck. It bring an other meaning to the typical 'birthday picture'.

LauraLiz said...

Our first casualty!! And I thought it would be a fender bender.

Sorry you fell, but hey! you got the shot!

margaretm said...

Anyone see the pinatas on "The Office" last week! Ha! I doesn't get any better with age!

Glad you didn't break anything for your art, Dalissa!

Katrina said...

I'm glad your ankle is okay. I like the candle shot with the birthday girl in the background. :-) It looks enchanting.

Dancingirl said...

I like the effect of the focus on the candles. Glad your ankle is okay!

Unknown said...

I like the pinata shot. The movement is great.